Thursday, September 11, 2008

I hope you're not too shy - academic blogging

Whatever I feel like saying today I can say; there isn't anyone who can stop me. The difference between speaking words and typing them out is tremendous: When we speak, we have limited time within a conversation to decide what it is we want to say. When we type, we literally have all the time in the world.

However, the words that I choose to type within this box will be posted and saved into a wireless world for all to see. Anyone with access to the internet, at least. From the moment that I click on "publish post", my name, personality and opinions leave the privacy of my own mind and have the potential to enter yours. You may not be cringing at that thought, but I sure am. Though as an avid Facebook user, perhaps I shouldn't be cringing too much.

Looking at the positive side of this technological experiment, I am being encouraged to break down barriers, to be unafraid of making myself known. People may read what I write and relate to my thoughts (which is always exciting). Maybe someone will approach me and ask, "hey, are you Alex? You're in my Mass Comm class, I loved your blog!" I would then (probably) become cherry-faced and smile, maybe avoid eye contact if I'm feeling really shy that day. Yet, at that moment I will know that I have positively contributed to the blog world, and I would be proud.

So unlike me, I hope that you're not too shy. Embrace this opportunity to write, comment, explore and meet new people. Have you ever met someone who gives good advice, yet can never apply it to themselves? I don't know if we have met, but I'm Alex Doria, and I'm doing my best to be excited about this assignment.

See you around?


1 comment:

I. Reilly said...

this is a very good self-reflexive post. i think you make an interesting distinction between oral and written language. i also appreciate that you've made time to articulate your own place within the blogging community.

keep writing,