Monday, November 24, 2008

Save some money, spend some time

Where do you live? In a house? In an apartment? Does your home have electricity? Do you have running water? Do you have a bed to sleep in? Do you have clothes to wear every day? Do you provide yourself with food? Do you even have a wallet? If you're online and reading this blog right now, you have responded "yes" to all of these questions, hence, this post is directed to YOU. Read on.

Buy Nothing Day - the name really speaks for itself - falls the day after the American Thanksgiving, known as Black Friday. In one Thanksgiving meal we fill ourselves up with more food than we usually eat in one day, or so the tradition goes. Then the following day we prepare for Christmas and spend more money in less than 24 hours then we usually spend in one week, or so the tradition goes. Buy Nothing Day seeks to change this tradition (the spending, not so much the eating). The concept of saving instead of spending isn't going to be enforced by an entire population, but the idea alone that we must try and devote one whole day to keeping our wallets sealed attempts to bring awareness to the population about over-consumption. Only a small portion of the world's total population consumes over 75% of its resources. As North Americans we are notorious for over-consuming, and Buy Nothing Day is our one chance to lower that discomforting number.

What happens on a day when you don't spend any money? Many of us cannot answer that question due to lack of familiarity. For those of you new to an experience such as this, I suggest giving up driving for one day, staying home and possibly spending time with your family. Do you remember them? Don't just save your money and waste your time. Instead, do something productive and you will wake up the next morning with no regrets.

On November 28th spend time, not money; save, don't splurge. Here's a great video to promote Buy Nothing Day 2008. For further information visit the Adbusters campaign at their website, Good luck!

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